June 3, 2024
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I am definitely not a frequent flyer, but last year opened the doors for me to experience some new places. Two places that I never thought I would ever visit. Shocked was an understatement when John and Lindsey invited me to their favorite island to shoot their destination wedding. So in May, I packed my bags, met my mama in Charlotte, and we flew to St. John, VI.
Then it was time for a more personal trip. My family had been planning this one for quite some time, and ended up being a little reunion with 17 of us attending. In August, we did a 7 day Alaskan cruise.
Needless to say, I have a little bit of a new found travel bug. I’ve already kicked off 2024 with a January cruise to Mexico – a very adventurous story for another blog post. I’ll be intrigued to see where else the year takes me.